Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Buffalo Wild Wings

This was a bit of a disappointment. I had high hopes for the restaurant, and they missed the mark. I had a buffalito or something that basically was grilled soft shell taco. It was alright, just not all that it was made out to be. I've heard lots of positive comments about the place and was expecting a excellent dish, but it just wasn't it was just pretty good. It could be that I should've ordered wings, seeing as that is why they are well known. When I go back (and it wasn't bad enough that I won't be returning) I'll try those. Who knows maybe those will be some of the best wings I have ever had. Overall I thought it was decent, not too costly restaurant that had quick food. One thing that was nice was how filling everything was. Two tacos and the wedges was almost too much; and that's saying something coming from a large guy like myself. The price for that kind of meal was definitely worth it.

I did like the atmosphere. The sports bar is a place that usually bores me, or is simply too loud to enjoy my meal or conversation. However, this place had the television sound turned down and had a business lunch feel about it. In fact, there was a group from the hospital and a construction/labor group in there, and those were the few that I could easily identify. Seeing the low prices, and the speed of service I would also choose it as lunch during work.

The one thing that really disappointed me was the hot sauce. I like spicy; very intense hot food it my shtick. As such I ordered the second most spicy sauce on the menu. It was a large let down. Now, I know that I rate things milder than most people would, but this sauce was definitely towards the middle of the spicy spectrum. It was enjoyable and had that tangy hot wings flavor, it just was lacking that hot bite that I was expecting. It was good tasting, but don't go there for really spicy wings.

As a whole, I thought the place was good and I will return. I wouldn't be surprised to find myself there some lunch after class with friends. It has a pleasant lunch time atmosphere that is enough to escape from the drudgery of work, yet is simple enough not to be overbearing. It is located in the Old Capitol Mall off of Clinton St.

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